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AI - Artificial Intelligence Avatars - Coming Soon! 

SWGS Artificial Intelligence Avatars is a powerful integration, which allows you to "teach" your avatar character to respond to customer questions with context-sensitive and real-time spoken answers. Our Artificial Intelligence Character will be powered character, which you can use 24/7 for customer support, online-course training, how-to-instructions, and so many other purposes.

How SWGS AI Design Works?

    1.    You can design your SWGS character & choose your voice script in your webpage.

    2.   Your customers inputs their text field on your webpage.  


* We will employ an AI knowledge base, which will contain over thousands upon thousands of auto responses to your customer questions, so your Human Avatar character will be knowledgeable in the niche that your customer's are promoting. We have plans to rollout this new technology in 2023 to 2024, if the required time to import the specific AI knowledge base, which is applicable to your business needs.


SWGS Developers

Programming the perfect knowledge base won't be required to utilize a SWGS intelligent Avatars. By using SWGS, programmers will be able to take advantage of the powerful features of the over 50 languages, which the knowledge base is implemented.


Using 3rd Party AI

SWGS Avatars characters are a natural complement to any intelligent bot. If necessary, you'll  be able to utilize another 3rd party AI solution in conjunction with your SWGS Avatar character. 





What Will AI Do?

AI Avatar technology will significantly accelerate creative expression and reduce the gap between idea and content. Artificial Intelligence Avatars will bring new methods of communication and storytelling, which will enable unprecedented human-avatar interfaces and challenge our perception of where the virtual and the digital world begins and ends.

SWGS launched their Human Avatar Platform in 2022 to enter the industry with affordable virtual solutions for their customers. SWGS introduce these new technologies to the world.  AI will definitely empower humans to communicate in an innovative way.

Recently,  the term ‘synthetic media’ has emerged as a catch-all phrase, which is used to describe video, image, text and voice that has been generated by computers. We now have the ability for AI-driven systems to generate audiovisual content. One of the most exciting developments today involves the recent progression in deep learning. We all are aware that the paradigm shift in website media creation and consumption. Basically, that paradigm shift will likely change the equation for entire AI and web integration..

AI Solutions

Implementation of SWGS AI solution on your webpage would work like this ABC Solution:

    A.    Your customer would input their text

    B.    Then, your AI code submits the input to your 3rd party's AI BOT and then their  text response would be received.

    C.    Utilize SWGS Client's Text-to-Speech will respond.

If you have any questions? Please contact our support team and we will do our very best to further advise.

SWGS AI will be made available on our Gold and Platinum plans . We will update our customers, when we implement our new AI System!


SWGS realizes the world of media content is ever evolving and changing r. In recent years ‘synthetic media’ has emerged as a catch-all term used to describe video, image, text and voice that has been fully or partially generated by computers. The ability for AI-driven systems to generate audiovisual content is, in our minds, one of the most exciting developments enabled by recent progress in deep learning. 

Tel: 800-843-3390

700 Louisiana St. Suite 3950 Houston, TX 77067


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